The Blog | Cyber Security

DevOps and Secured Coding DevOps combines people, processes, and technology to shorten the software development life cycle (SDLC) while enhancing continuous integration and delivery (Düllmann et al., 2018). DevOps is essential because it brings together formerly siloed roles in Agile software devel...
What is SIEM? Threat and incident detection is a top priority for every organization. Security information and event management (SIEM) provides a comprehensive view of an organization’s security posture by enabling real-time monitoring of all of an organization’s information security sys...
Cloud computing has revolutionized how information technology resources and services are used and managed by accelerating innovation and collaboration; however, this revolution comes with a greater attack surface and increased security risk (Bello et al., 2021). Cloud security, which involves using ...
Access control is the backbone technology of ensuring information security and privacy (Qiu et al., 2020). As organizations scale up employee count, regulating access permissions is critical in preventing unauthorized access, mitigating data loss and cyber invasions. An effective access control mech...
Steganography is the science of hiding secret data within an ordinary, and non-secret file in order to avoid detection (Mohammed Abdul et al., 2021). It is a form of covert communication that offers a supplementary layer of security for a message in transit. Steganography can be used to conceal any ...